Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cause u were Born This Way.

This post is dedicated to u my dear bestie. No matter how others judge, no matter how others say, keep your smile, cause you were born to survive, you were born to be brave. Happy Birthday, dear. :) 

p/s: i'm embarrassing myself to please you :P 

till we meet next time, stay healthy and happy. :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

You fall. Like a raindrop.

-Midnight's thought-
The feeling of re-watch it again is different from years ago.
Or maybe, i able to relate more of it compare to my first time watching it.
i am fascinated by Wong Fu again, the way they portrayed the human emotion without using much people, dialogue or either one.
Can the things we love, love us back just the same?
A question that we always have it inside our minds secretly.

Love the descriptions about the five objects from their blog:
Glasses – The glasses represent sight. In a relationship, there are times when our one desire is to share with the other person. We hope to offer a new perspective. To learn and grow from each other in that way. To show the world. Unfortunately, nothing stays clear forever. Many things can blind us: jealousy, doubt, over-thinking, and ironically, comfort.

Telephone – The phone represents hearing. Relationships can’t exist without listening and communication. Sometimes, circumstances prevent people from communicating face to face. That distance greatly affects them. We hear about experiences when what we really want is to live them. Words can only go so far. 

Umbrella – The umbrella represents touch. The very simple idea of being close enough to touch someone. Physical contact. To be able to hold, cover, protect. These are basic parts of a relationship we hope to fulfill. Essentially an umbrella reflects occasional necessity. But who would want that? To feel needed when it’s only convenient.

Scarf – The scarf represents smell. The intimacy of knowing someones scent is very special. It’s a privilege that isn't easily shared and is often overlooked. Physical contact carries and transfers a scent but when that contact disappears, the scent is no longer.

Cup – The cup represents taste. More specifically, the cup represents a kiss. And a kiss is the most universal symbol of love and affection. The fact that it describes a first kiss is even more significant. A first kiss is innocent and naive. We cherish it as though it will last forever. But when the cup is broken, the kiss is no longer possible– just like a relationship.

Till then, you know the answer?
Love your life, then life will love you back.
#liveinthemoment :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

you haven't lived until you've loved something more than life itself.

Friday, February 21, 2014

You know you are the only one who can keep yourself secure.

Let me be the star.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

你說我總是這麼安靜,而你卻不知道你的故事有太多太多的正能量,而你卻不知道我只想靜靜地聆聽, 而你卻不知道這讓我多麼地鼓舞雀躍, 所以我不想說話了, 不想讓我那一般般的傷悲故事打斷這樣的你。
有那麼一夜,you make the stars shine brighter.