Sunday, August 4, 2013


知道我不完美 能給的我都給 於是天藍轉灰轉黑 也微笑不插嘴 這一次會氣餒 連平凡愛一回 都才將心給誰 馬上又被粉碎 滿意了嗎 你究竟有完沒完 你煩不煩 總考驗我多勇敢 有那麼難 那麼幸福和美滿 我不貪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤單 我想要的快樂很簡單 你都不管 人的一生會積累 十萬毫升淚水 以為哭完苦悲苦味 能換來好結尾 並不是我後悔 愛會痛我奉陪 只是輪到我沒 誰視我為寶貝 滿意了嗎 你究竟有完沒完 你煩不煩 總考驗我多勇敢 有那麼難 那麼幸福和美滿 我不貪婪 只求多些夜晚 不鼻酸 不孤單 我想要的快樂很簡單 你都不管 有完沒完 我已無條件投降 我要歸還 向你借來的勇敢 我不野蠻 不屬於我的美滿 都不貪婪 只求一到夜晚 有期盼 有陪伴 我想要你給我個答案 你卻不管 你都不管 你別不管 我的傷感

"Life is unfair. You put someone first who puts you second. You study your ass off for a final only to get a B in the class when you deserved an A. You give 110% to someone in a relationship when they only give 40%. You're there for your friends at 3am when they need it the most, and the next day they don't pick up their phone. You give something your all and sometimes get little to nothing back. You care so much about someone who doesn't care enough about you to say hi once in a while. You give someone your time, and they give you "Sorry, I'm busy". It seems like you're giving everyone everything, and they're just walking away with it."

Saturday, August 3, 2013

God damn i am scared .